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5 tips to eliminate any dental emergencies this festive period

Summer is here – the hot summer days and nights spent outside enjoying the endless summer days & daily routines are forgotten. Summer also brings with it the festive period which includes fun, laughter, presents and maybe a few too many sugary treats

Here are 5 easy tips to implement during the festive period to close the gap between dental emergencies.

1) Reduce your sugar intake

Its difficult to resist all the sugary treats during the festive period- from Nanna’s delicious cakes and treats, to lollies and sugary drinks. I mena, if you can’t overindulge  during the festive period when can you?
This festive period, consider limiting the sugary treats and drinks and give your teeth a break.

Sugary foods and drinks produce acid with the bacteria in your mouth, which can wear down the enamel (protective layer) of your teeth, which causes tooth decay.

Children’s teeth are more susceptible to tooth decay as their enamel on their teeth is thinner and weaker than adults.

We don’t expect you to cut out sugar completely during the festive period- we know its too difficult to resist. However, we do recommend cutting down the amount you consume. This includes more than just lollies and chocolates, but it also includes dried fruits processed fruits and drinks such as soft drinks and juices.

2) More water, less alcohol

The festive period sees an increase of parties- from family and friend get togethers to work parties- which usually include some great food, terrible dancing and of course, an array of alcoholic beverages.  Everybody likes to relax during the festive period and let loose with a few cocktails or beers, but consider the damage alcohol causes to your overall dental health.

Drinking some beverages such as Red wine cause discolouration of your teeth, and excessive alcohol consumption can enhance your risk of developing oral cancer.

When indulging in some alcoholic beverages this holiday season, we recommend drinking a glass of water after every glass to not only stay hydrated, but to wash away any left over food debris and damaging acid on your teeth.

3) Don’t use your teeth as ‘tools’

It’s a scene we’ve all been in- when you were a kid you sued your teeth to rip open the box on your newest barbie doll or Nerf gun, and as an adult we’ve all used our teeth to rip sticky tape when you’ve somehow misplaced the scissors under all the wrapping paper. What you may not realise is that using your teeth as tools can cause serious damage to your teeth.

This festive period, make sure you and your loved ones don’t use your teeth as tooth as doing so can wear down your teeth and potentially cause chips or teeth to fall out.

If you do damage a tooth during the festive period, you should contact a dentist immediately to avoid any future issues.

4) Protect your teeth when playing sports

Summer nights consist of BBQs and  usually, a backyard sporting game like cricket or footy which can turn into competitive games.

While enjoying a game this summer, make sure to protect your kids teeth as playing contact sports can cause teeth to fall out or chips.

If the game is getting intense, ensure your kids use a mouthguard as this can reduce the severity of injuries and prevents any tooth loss.

5) Keep up your dental hygiene habits

The holiday period can be a busy time and usually regular routines are abandoned for sleep ins, staying up late and trips away with friends and family.

It is important to keep up your regular dental routine, especially with kids to ensure perfect oral hygiene is maintained.

Keeping up a good oral hygiene includes:

  • Brushing teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
  • Flossing once a day
  • Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Keeping up with your scheduled dental check-ups

The holiday period is designed for you to relax, unwind and spend much needed time with loved ones, but it is always important to maintain perfect oral health care to ensure no damage is done to your pearly whites.

For more tips and tricks on how to maintain perfect oral health over the summer period, come in and speak to one of our dentists here at Everton Park Dental- we’re always happy to help!

To make an appointment call us on (07) 3355 7963